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School Nurse
School Nurse
Our School Nurse is at the school every day and makes sure that all the students meet the state requirements for immunizations, as well as helping students who fall ill or need nursing services during the day. During the year she will also do screening in vision, hearing, scoliosis, and “nuisance diseases” (head lice, etc.).
7th Grade Vaccines
7th grade students are required to have the TDAP and meningococcal conjugate vaccine. The deadline for these shots is October 1 of each year. Please make sure your 7th grader has his/her shots. If not in compliance, they will be asked to stay home until they get the shots. Those students at home are still required to have these shots.
Health records are necessary for the safe protection of students and staff are to be maintained as required by the Ohio Revised Code B. Health records include: Health Record Card and immunization Records, Emergency Medical Authorizations, Accident Reports, and Dispensation of Medication Forms (if applicable).
Students at the time of initial entry or at the beginning of each school year, shall not be permitted to remain in school for more than fourteen (14) days unless they present written evidence that they have been immunized or are in the process of compliance; or present a physician’s statement that immunization may be detrimental to the student’s health, or a parental statement that immunization is objected to for good cause (e.g. religious convictions). The Ohio Revised Code requires that schools report by October 15 of each year, a summary of the immunization status of students who are new to the district.
Lack of compliance: Students previously admitted under the “in process of being immunized provision or a student who has not presented a written statement by a physician, shall be excluded from school on the fifteenth (15) day. Any student excluded shall be readmitted upon written evidence of compliance.
Medication is to be administered to the student at home if possible. The physician must sign a form granting the school permission to administer prescription or non-prescription medication for a student.
- The forms will be supplied by the school.
- The medication and signed permission forms shall be brought to the school by the parent. At no time shall a student of any age be permitted to carry medication to school unless authorized in writing by the parent and/or physician.
- The physician’s signature must be on the original medication permission.
The parent assumes the responsibility of getting medication (prescription or non-prescription) to the school and furnishing the school with an adequate supply of medication. A supply of medication, in its original container, should be delivered on the day on which it is to be given.
- Unused medication will be returned ONLY to a parent or unless authorized in writing, by the parent or to another individual authorized in writing by a parent.
- It is the responsibility of the parent to claim any unused medication within one week after the school year ends or within one week after the medication is no longer needed. Any unclaimed medication will be properly disposed.
- Empty containers may be returned home with students. If any of the information stated on the permission form changes, the parent agrees to immediately furnish to the school a revised statement signed by the physician who prescribe the medicine.
- Prescribed medication containers shall have the affixed label at the time it was prescribed by the physician and dispensed by a licensed pharmacist. Medicine not in the original container will not be dispensed.
- Medication must be clearly labeled and accompanied by the following information on a prescription bottle: a. Full name of student, name of medication, dosage and time intervals for administration, and name of physician (required for prescription drugs only). b. Possible side effects, any severe reactions, and any special instructions for administering the drug such as storage or sterile conditions.
- Non-prescription medication should also be in the original container and be accompanied by the completed permission form with the necessary details for storage and administration.
- The parent is responsible for notifying the school, in writing if the administration of medication is to be terminated.
Medication shall be distributed from a central location and by a designated person.
- The identity of the student shall be verified prior to administration of medication. Note the importance of one person being responsible. a. Confirm that the correct medication is being administered by comparing student’s name with the label on the bottle. b. Verify existence of parental permission form: check dosage and other label information with information on permission form.
- Only the school nurse, the principal or designee shall administer medication or observe the student self-administer it. Medication shall not be distributed on a room-by-room basis with several classroom teachers or school personnel involved.
- A daily record of medication distribution shall be kept by the school nurse, principal, or designee.