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Classes can visit the school library at the teacher’s discretion. Books circulate for one-week periods and can be renewed for another week. Fines of 5 cents per school day are assessed for any overdue books unless a child is absent on the due date. Students who do not return their books or who have outstanding library fines will not receive report cards until the matter is cleared. If books are lost, stolen, or damaged, the value price of the book will be charged to the student.
Our library is full of books including story books, biography, fiction, science, sports, adventure, religion and faith.

In 2015 we received donations from the Sisters of Notre Dame in Chardon, Ohio to add books to our classroom libraries and books that students were able to take home for summer reading.
Also in 2015-16, Ms. Lorraine Repasky spearheaded a project during the school year to purchase new books for the school and classroom libraries, as well as library book carts and puppets. Ms. Repasky has done all of this in memory of her sister, Mrs. Loretta Repasky-Lewis, who passed away in the Spring of 2014. St. Joseph the Provider School was very important to Mrs. Lewis, as she supported the school in many different ways. Pictured below with three very grateful first graders, are Ms. Lorraine Repasky (left back) and Ms. Linda Loar (right back) who assisted Ms. Repasky in this labor of love. As of July 2016, Ms. Repasky and Ms. Loar and family and friends have added 800 new books, 20 Folkmanis premium puppets, and 4 classroom library carts to our school’s inventory in memory of Mrs. Loretta Repasky-Lewis. What a wonderful testament!
We sincerely thank both the Sisters of Notre Dame and Ms. Repasky and her family and friends for their thoughtfulness and generosity in the additions they have made to our library. The students truly benefit from such a provident gift. These additions appeal to all our children.